Landmark Mandarin Oriental

From Dawn
to Dusk
MO Bar is an all-day dining restaurant & bar at The Landmark, Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong. The circle from within MO Bar inspired our concept for the visual identity of the rising sun.
Brand Identity

The sun rises
from the East
moon gleams
The sun
rises from
the East
moon gleams

Our design concept stems from the Sun, which rises from the east and sets in the west. In the breakfast menu, the day starts fresh on a blank white canvas, with the Sun rising at the horizon on the east. In the lunch menu, the Sun warms into a golden glow, shining high in the sky. In the dinner menu, it sets at the west, gleaming in the dark.

The rising sun is expressed in special foils, which upon soft touch lamination, creates a luxurious, suede-like touch. On the first page, a poetic line introduces the concept with succinct beauty.

Designed with both style and functionality in mind, the sleek format not only exudes a modern aesthetic but also serves a practical purpose. The streamlined design makes the menus highly-functional for storage in the reception booth at this all-day dining restaurant.